I went to the bathroom, put the light on and with the shock of the light which you get at the middle of the night, I started to look at my face with my half closed eyes, it felt so empty, naked and a bit sad. It has been with me for the past ten years and now without any warning or ultimatum is was gone. I was sad, wanted to wake R up, but anyway I knew he will not be able to help me in my silly problem.
I came back to bed again, very restless and so badly hoping for a miracle to happen, which I have been shown from up there many times, big and not so big ones(I do believe in miracles, really no pretence)
I heard the quietness of the night, which was a bit scary but with the time passing I started to get used to it and it started to feel peaceful, quiet and silent except my heart was feeling anything but those things. What I was hoping to find was like a needle in a haystack.
I felt very disappointed, sad and this time I really hoped for a miracle this last time for this day. I know I am a bit greedy, but I do that at times, and where do you go in such a situation where you most definitely know that a miracle from up there is needed.
I sat on the corner of my bed with my sad face in my hands filled with tears. I saw the yellow light of my lamp falling on the corner of the duvet and a bit on the floor. Once again I cried for a miracle. I know it was really impossible, but if you know me then you know, deep inside I still believed in it. I was looking at the seam of my maroon velvet curtain and just below it I saw something shiny and I so hoped, be it pleeeeeeeease and there it was my very cute, little diamond Nose stud gifted by my husband on our 10th wedding anniversary.
Tears started coming out of my eyes, I again pinched myself at 3.15 that what was really going on here, is it a nightmare turned into a beautiful dream or is it really a dream. It really was real. My little nose stud looked at me with a twinkle, and I could feel he/she was as sad to be off me as I was, because without it I felt empty and without it on my face, it was just a little piece of metal ready to be lost in the dusty bag of vaccum cleaner.
I was again convinced to be right in believing in miracles. I went to the bathroom, with my shaky hands put the stud on, feeling scared that it should not fall in the sink. But we are meant to be together.
Its not about a piece of jewellery, its much more than that. Its about a special gift for me from a very special person, its about those last 10 years we have been togehter and shared so many good, bad, happy, sad and not so good moments with each other.
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